In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.
Albert Einstein
Nothing can ever just go smoothly can it? Of course not, and our situation is no exception. Unfortunately for us, Charlie lost his contract job today. So that is one less thing to worry about because now it has already happened. Of course that introduces a whole host of new worries.
We had plenty of warning that this might be coming, so we tried to do some decision making before hand, but follow through is not so easy. We decided that it would be better for us to be looking for a job from the East Coast because it seems there are a lot more jobs out there. That said, the competition for jobs is quite a bit stiffer these days. It is very risky to be signing a lease knowing full well that we can only cover it for a few months. The only ray of light here is that the realtors found tenants for this house, so at least I don’t have to worry about covering the mortgage for this house as well as paying rent, small miracles.
So the plan right now is that we are moving to NJ even though we now have no job there. This is highly risky, but we are going to do it anyway and hope for the best. There are other considerations to take into account, chief among them is that we will be close to family, there seem to be more jobs available in the East, and this farm is nicely located between Philadelphia and New York City.
We will be making a few changes to our immediate plans due to this turn of events. For one thing, we will be putting off any large livestock purchases. (We had really wanted a cow.) We also will not be using a professional mover, and lastly we will be going on a leisurely drive across the country vs. a mad dash. I will keep the blog updated, so you all know what’s going on. Keep your fingers crossed for us!
Sorry about the job loss. It does sound like moving leisurely will be nice, though. So you are renting the farm so you can't turn around and rent it to a rancher? I'm just thinking out loud on ways for you to get a cow. Starting with chickens is a good idea as they are fairly cheap. If you ask around you might be able to find someone who makes chicken feed, too.
ReplyDeleteI think you are very brave to be moving without jobs, though family is an important component of a safety net, too. I wish you luck and will keep reading to see how things are going.